District Overrun - Core Features




The map is persistently simulated, in that once it has been procedurally generated and populated with equipment and AI nothing is artificially added. This results in the source of the outbreak having to spread through a living breathing world where every action and decision the player makes impacts the progression of the game (Butterfly Effect). The map can be quite large depending on the power of the computer as larger maps result in more AI, but once you do come to the edge rather than imposing an impenetrable wall all edges loop around to provide freedom of movement to both you and AI.


Artificial Intelligence: 

The AI are not given any inherent knowledge of their environment or the impending apocalypse they instead have dynamic reactive behaviours that adjust to suit the changes in their surroundings. The zombies in particular are not individually very intelligent with no understanding of buildings or entry points, but when in larger numbers collectively through brute force they can accomplish their goals of eventually infecting the entire population. All AI use algorithms to detect targets and threats with a system that incorporates max visible range, field of view and line of sight to ensure that AI can only see each other or you when you are in front of them with no visual obstructions. The military AI variants are also capable of cooperation, working in squads with an appointed leader to accomplish goals together. This allows them to move whilst covering all arcs providing a nearly 360 degree of vision to combat any infected.



the custom built physics system uses circular and rectangular objects to simulate the map and its contents. Both ridged (Elastic) and lose (Inelastic) collisions. The ridged collisions handle impacts with AI and the player on each other and static objects in the environment such as walls and doors. The additional lose collision system is used to simulated explosions and fires that incorporate pressure and flow. This is done by allowing explosive particles to overlap each other and other entities, on the condition that when they are overlapped they repel one another. This results in a situation where in which an area with many explosive particles will be simulating high pressure, as the many particles will all be repelling each other with the collective forces accumulating to the point that they rapidly repel, simulating an explosion. Any collisions with entities such as players or AI will cause them to be thrown back and damage based on the direction of flow on the explosions. The flow may not always be radial as static walls impose impassable barriers any high pressure explosions will have to flow through any available exits resulting in directed charges. This very system is also used to simulate the fire that is expelled from the flame thrower weapon.



There are a variety of weapon categories (Pistol, Machinegun, Shotgun, Explosive, Flamethrower and HighTech), each of which have their own separate ammunition pools that you need to keep stoked up. When collecting weapons you can find a variety of different variants per category, so for the pistols there is the availability for Glock, Desert Eagle, M9, M1911, Makarov and so on, each of which emulates the attributes of the physical guns. You can carry as many weapons as you can manage, with each having its own weight that adds to your encumbrance managing the right balance of fire power verses mobility is vital. Bullets will do varying amounts of damage to entities depending on the accuracy of the shot. A direct hit will often kill in one shot where as it can take up to four rounds if each is a glancing hit. Every time a bullet hits an entity and causes damage it is able to continue through on its trajectory damaging further targets. As it does so the bullet will lose velocity equal to that of the damage done on each impact and will eventually lose enough to the point that it becomes embedded in the next target or impacts the ground if slowed by air resistance.



You can have an unlimited number of saves to record your progress each with a name of your choosing. When saving you will be notified if your action would result in you overwriting an existing save. Quick and easy saving and loading, that are manageable both in game and as files.